Grand Farm inc. (NASDAQ:GRFM)

Sunday, May 15, 2011 | Web News
Grand Farm plans for Initial Public Offering. Company Snapshot: A leading integrated rice producer in China Industry Snapshot: (From the company)...
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We are a leading integrated rice producer in China. Established in June 2001, we are headquartered in Putian, Fujian Province. All of our business operations are conducted by Grand Farm China, which we control through a series of contractual arrangements between Grand Farm WFOE, our wholly-owned indirect subsidiary, and Grand Farm China together with its owners

We produce regular milled rice and nutrient-fortified rice from short/medium-shaped grain primarily sourced from northeastern China – Panjin in Liaoning Province, Bayan in Heilongjiang Province, and Jilin City and Dehui in Jilin Province. We also produce regular milled rice from long-shaped rice grain sourced from Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province in southern China to cater to consumers who may prefer a different taste and texture than rice made from short/medium-shaped grain, and to diversify our product offerings.

Byproducts from our rice milling process, such as rice bran and broken rice, are sold in bulk directly to livestock feed factories and stores.

Last updated May 15, 2011

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